What you need to know about our B500+ EV Block

B500+ Block
During the second half of 2021 we took on board the feedback from customers and became incredibly busy in the background creating what they have been asking for.
Welcome the B500+
Our newest and lightest block to date!

Why did we create the B500+?
We spoke to a lot of contractors and one of the main challenges were around smaller installations where there are only 1 or 2 pedestals being installed. The cost of mobilising a mini excavator for lifting the EV blocks into an excavation became a barrier to staying competitive on price.
This is where we started to work on creating a lighter block and how the B500+ came to life.
The B500+ can be manoeuvred inside a hole by two people, making it more manageable for the levelling up process.
What are the key differences between the B500+ and the B600?
The main difference between the B500+ and B600 is the weight; the B500+ weighs 94 kilos and the B600 is 180 kilos. The other main difference is the size; the top face of the B500+ is 500mm by 500mm, and the B600 is 600mm by 600m.
Though you still have that flexibility to fit any AC charger that is currently on the market, as they share the same adapter plate, so you still got the same amount of space to install your EV charger pedestal.
When would you choose the B500+ over the B600?
The B500+ is useful when you have only got a small amount of pedestal chargers. So, if you’ve got maybe one or two EV pedestals being installed that’s where the B500+ comes into its own, because you don’t need to mobilise a mini excavator.
The B600 can be used where you’ve got an excavator on site and you’re able to drop the block straight into your excavation.
When will the B500+ be available to purchase, and where they can be purchased?
The B500+ is due to be released in January 2022 and can be purchased from the following wholesalers: Rexel, Keyline, Go Banana, Replenish and Yesss Electrical. Alternatively, you can buy directly from ourselves through the website, email at info@localhost and via telephone 01733 513777.
You can find the specs here for the B500+, and the here for the B600.